Why the Runes are so much more than just predicting the future...

Discover the Secret of the Runes and learn how to give in-depth, life-changing Rune Readings

Get to intimately know the energies associated with each Rune over the next 3 months

– The Runes can be used as a self help tool for yourself or others.

– They have an uncanny way of giving extremely helpful and pertinent messages and can often provoke thought and contemplation.

– The Runes can be used for divination, creative manifestation, and can give insight into problems. This allows you to see your life, or the issue you are asking about, from a different perspective which can be extremely helpful at times.

– They can also help you to see the way things will probably go if you do nothing to change it.

– A Rune reading can provide advice about how to handle certain situations in your life… anything from love and romance to finances and business advice or almost anything else you can think of.

– Use the Runes to compliment your Tarot business. Combining Runes and Tarot cards or Oracle cards is a very effective method which is illustrated in the course.


A structured, 14-week LIVE training program. Weekly sessions help on Zoom with recordings and 100s of pages of course material presented in pdf that you can print it out if you need to.

Regular monitored Practice Sessions so you will have no doubt as to what you are doing and if you are doing it correctly.

And thanks to my innovative learning method, you don’t even need your own Runes to get started!

Next Course Begins On April 12th

But the Runes have no images!

How can they possibly convey deep meanings like the Tarot can?

Runes and Tarot

I hear you… being a set of just 24 glyphs, you might think it impossible to interpret them with relevant meanings.

As a tarot reader myself, I understand that the Runes can seem somewhat cold and sterile when compared to the rich imagery offered by the Tarot or other oracles. 

But when I started, I felt a real connection to the Runes… I heard the call of the Viking magic, I could see the connection to the earth and the spiritual contact they offered as well.  

I knew that there must be a way to use this ancient knowledge…
After all, the Runes have been in use for centuries… They even pre-date the tarot by nearly 500 years.

So where is this Viking magic? 

What secrets do the Runes hold?

And how can we access them?

The secret to the Runes is in knowing and feeling the energies that they represent. 

Once you have been exposed to their energies, you then have much more than a mere image to play with… what you have is an experience that you can portray in many different ways, you can relate to many different circumstances and the readings you give will therefore be much more personal and engaging.  

If you don’t learn the Runes this way, by acquainting yourself with the associated energies, then you will end up like the person who gave me my first Rune reading, simply repeating the classic one-sentence phrases found in the booklet that comes with the Runes!!!

It was a reading I couldn’t relate to at all. 

Unearth the Viking Magic!

Discover the Secret to learning the Runes

Wooden RunesEach Rune represents, not only a letter and a meaning, but the whole concept of a certain ‘energy’. 

This ‘energy’ cannot be explained in words, it needs to be understood, felt or ‘experienced’.

You can learn the Runes, one by one and start to observe the energy of each Rune begin to manifest…  see how it affects you and those around you… watch how it works in the lives of others.

When you couple this with a basic understanding of Norse mythology, you will see that each Rune is so much more than a mere symbol… it is in fact a living, moving energy that can be experienced in a multitude of ways. 

Once you know the energies that each Rune represents, then you can start to use them to give readings

This now gives each Rune a whole array of complex energies to be used for interpreting the situation in hand, and when you bring other Runes and their complex energies into the equation it becomes all the more colorful and alive. 

It now becomes your job as a Rune reader to interpret these energies and communicate them into the real life situation of the querent.

Does this sound like something you could do?

Would you like to become an expert Rune Reader?

In 14 Weeks to Rune Mastery” I walk you through and show you exactly how you can learn each of the Runes…

I then show you how you can use that knowledge to give expert ‘Rune readings’. 

…but first, let me tell you how I discovered the secret to learning the Runes.

Odin in YggdrasilOdín hung himself from the holy Ash tree, Yggdrasil for 9 days and 9 nights in order to gain self knowledge.
In doing so, all 24 Runes and their energetic meanings were revealed to him in a flash of enlightenment. 


Fortunately, my story isn’t so dramatic

I felt a calling, a need to learn the Runes to augment my tarot reading skills. I had a deck of tarot cards called the Tarot of the Vikings (or something similar) and each of the major arcana was related to one of the Runes. This deck really spoke to me..  I would get some amazingly insightful readings using it.  

I saw this as a great way to learn the Runes…  comparing them to the tarot cards. 

So I bought a book on the Runes, and planned to also purchase a set of Runes.

Upon reading the book, I saw that the correlation of the Runes to the tarot cards used by this deck, for the most part were not accurate at all.

But the concept or idea stayed with me…  surely the way to learn the Runes is by ‘knowing’ each set of energies as if they were major arcana.

So I set to work crafting my own Rune set. 

Meditating on a RuneI dedicated a week to the learning of each Rune, to carve it into the stone, and to understand its energies. I meditated on the Rune daily, I connected with it on a spiritual level, and I channelled information about it. I would then become that Rune for the rest of the week…  observing how its energies manifested in my daily life and in the lives of those around me. Just watching how the energies of that Rune work.  

It took me the best part of a year to complete all 24 Runes. 

But in the end, not only did I have a very empowered and activated Rune-set, but I also had a very deep understanding of each of the Runes. 

25 years on and I am still delighting people with accurate and sometimes brutally honest and down to earth readings that have helped everything from business problems to personal dilemmas, and from relationship advice to spiritual guidance.

People are astounded with my readings… and although the Runes, many times appear to talk in riddles, more often than not it is that very riddle that leads to the understanding of a problem. 

I Had Discovered a Way to Master the Runes

I can show you that method and walk you through it

...step by step in only 14 weeks

In the 14 weeks of the course, you will have the opportunity to learn and comprehend each of the 24 Runes, and learn how to give expert readings with confidence and style.

Celtic divider

How it works and why this method is so effective: ​

  • The course consists of 14 live interactive classes, (held on Zoom).  Each class is between 2 and 3 hours long. 
  • Each week you are taught many of the aspects of the Runes and Rune readings
  • There is a section where the class is split into smaller groups for giving readings. These are monitored practice sessions of which there will be many.
  • After the class, each student will create two Rune pieces each week (using the material of their choice).  This will involve a little ritual and meditation.
  • Each student will live the energies of the two Runes throughout the week in order to know first hand the energies of those Runes 
  • At the end of the 14 weeks, each student should have a complete set of Runes created and should be aware of the energies that each of them represents, sufficiently enough to give professional-level readings to help both themselves and others

28 Days To Rune Mastery is a very personal and interactive course.

It involves giving personal attention to each participant.

Therefore, I can only let a maximum of 21 people register for the course at this time.

* If you don’t manage to get registered in time and the course is full then you will be notified before payment is made and you will be put on a waiting list for the next course. 

Here is a breakdown of some of the material taught in the course:

Learn All The Runes

Each Student will interiorize and effectively know the energies of each of the 24 Runes of the Eldar Futhark in detail 

Not only learn how to remember their meanings of each of the 24 Runes, but will also internalize their energies. To feel what each Rune means and to observe how the energies of that Rune react in your life or in the life of the person consulting the Runes.

Learn how to give Rune Readings

You will learn several different methods for giving Rune readings from simple to complex so you can begin giving readings as soon as you start the course. There will be guided practice sessions so any doubts can be addressed about how to perform a reading, or about the interpretation of the Runes in actual real-life situations.

Advanced interpretations and methods

Additional subjects covered:

  • Your first Rune Reading
  • Giving quick readings for practice
  • The Aettir
  • Shadows and inverse meanings
  • The 9 worlds of Norse Mythology and Yggdrasil, the tree of life
  • Rune Casting, the casting cloth and my own method of casting Runes
  • Runic time,  Months, and Calendars
  • Runic Trees
  • Staddah, Runic Yoga
  • Reading the Runes
  • The Runes and Magick (3 part series)
  • Consecrating your Runes
  • Combining Runes with other oracles

Crafting your own Runes and Runic Meditations

As an ongoing part of the course, as well as learning the true meanings of each of the Runes and experiencing  the energies associated with each, you also will be guided to create your own Personal Rune-set. This is an undertaking that should take you the complete duration of the course. It is THE ABSOLUTE BEST method to truly learn each of the Runes. Week by week you will meditate on the one Runes you are crafting… you will live the energies of that Rune throughout its creation, meditate on it, sing its song (mantra), vibrate its frequency and observe the effects it has on everyday life.

Celtic divider

Sign up before April 12th and receive:

£100 discount

'14 Weeks to Rune Mastery'

The price of this course should be £297 but I can offer it to you now for a one-time payment of just


Plus you get a money-back guarantee* if you are not 100% pleased with the quality of the material I am offering


You need to register early to get a place on this course.

I’m only accepting a maximum of 21 people

*Guarantee only available during the first 14 days of the course.

Frequently asked questions

Most frequent questions and answers

You will have access to all the videos for the duration of the course and beyond… and though I have no plans on taking the material down, you are advised to download the pdfs or worksheets that you want to keep as I might be updating the material in the future

There is a Printable PDF version of the notes from each of the classes for you to download and keep

There is no payment plan at the moment as the low cost of the course doesn’t make it a viable option.

However, as payment is available through paypal, you might be eligible for their own payments plans which they offer for any purchase you make.  

No.. This is . not required. 

You can be of any religion or belief to cast the Runes.

There are those who chose to dedicate their lives to the Norse Gods and there are those who simply understand and respect them as a part of the understanding of the Runes. 

Knowledge of the stories and legends of the Norse Gods is useful for understanding the Runes and the energies they portray but dedication or affiliation to any religion is not required. 

What others are saying about the course

Reach out to your inner Viking today

Embark upon your own personal Rune-quest to learn the Runes and become an expert Rune reader in under 14 weeks. 

Do you have a burning desire to learn the Runes?


To be able to cast the Runes to help yourself, your friends, and family in making important decisions?


Your quest should you choose to embark upon it…

is to become a confident Rune reader,
to learn each of the 24 Runes,
and to master Rune readings…  in under 14 weeks, 

so you can help yourself and others with this mystical tool and feel like you have been able to make a real difference.

'14 Weeks to Rune Mastery'

If you are one of the first 21 people to sign up you will get the special price of £197

And I offer you a money back guarantee* if you are not 100% pleased with the quality of the material I am offering.

*Guarantee only available during the first 14 days of the course.

Need More information?
Contact me here…  I will be glad to answer any questions or arrange a video chat or phone call if you would like to speak to me in person about the course.